Freak Out Moments

{January 7, 2013}   Where have I been? and Nero

Oh wow well three weeks in the USA with friends,. roadtrips, dollar spending and wow the places I saw! I could write all year about that alone. I mean I have totally fallen in love with the USA but there were some things I had to get used to, slightly comedy some of them however. I forgot it’s not a “loo” it’s a restroom. I have no mathematics for the service charges… I love Samuel Adams Boston Lager. I have see the real Silent Hill aka Centralia and I have stood in Central Park… all of this and more but this is the cosplay thing I decided to try so here goes!

Project female Nero sword.

So basically my wonderful fiance got me the sword but I was unhappy that you could barely see the detail on the paint job.

As you can see the main hilt is just black but I think that the red and gold in the game are lovely and so I have had a play. I hope you like it!

et cetera