Freak Out Moments

{April 18, 2012}   My Custom Pony

errr so yeah *giggles*

{April 10, 2012}   Trollolol

I have to admit I can’t understand the need for it from people. If the only thing of importance in my life was commenting on another person’s tiniest comments I’d have a brilliant life! Personally I think anyone that spends their day anonymously abusing the family of a tragic death or posting on someone’s blog who has suffered a terrible accident is a very sad and pathetic individual.

I was bullied horrifically as a child, one incident was where three 15 year old girls decided to “kick me in” outside my elderly nan’s flat. All because they wanted to look cool at school. Funny that, I came out with good grades, a stable relationship and a loving family. The wonders of facebook allow me to see that at least two of them are still unemployed even now, so who really was the “looser”?

Internet bullying is a crime, like the real thing, it’s not protecting meek people from a higher social chain it’s protecting the fact that human beings are in general so awful to one another we need laws to stop it. A child that commits suicide over bullying has (in my view) been murdered and the bastards responsible should be brought to justice for it.

Anonymous trolls on internet forums are the worst kind, they can’t even get the guts to do something to your face, presumably as they would get a rightful punch in it!

I was brought up to respect other people, I wasn’t encouraged to be rude and yet it seems that it’s becoming the normal thing to do. If someone makes a sensible comment or post that cannot be responded to you will find that thread is ignored. If of course someone posts an inane piece of drivel or the person doing the post is in the wrong place etc you can expect a flood of hundreds of comments, relating from “ya mom” to downright verbal abuse.

It’s quite sad if you look at it, we’re incapable as a species of being community minded. We’re all assholes. I aim not to be, I am sure I have my moments, but I know that when I put a comment to something I will try to ensure that it’s constructive. If I don’t like something I just move on, people who troll are doing so to get a rise and response. I let them leave their snide comments and move on, even if they reply to something else I was involved in.

I don’t feed the trolls and I don’t insult my own intelligence by rising to the bait, if I get caught out shame on me eh!

et cetera